Monday, September 1, 2014


It's only taken a week to get internet access - but that's life in the country.  So let me start at the beginning, with Fairy Stone State Park.  Interesting drive there, and an interesting little place.  The Fairy Stones are not found near the campsite, but down the road a bit.  They have had a lot of people looking for them, but not finding many - and I didn't find any either when I was there, but got a bunch of cool rocks to bring back nevertheless.  The first night there it really rained - I mean, poured!  There was a puddle under the trailer in the morning from the rain, and then it misted and sprinkled all the next day.  Annie and I went for several walks and the mushrooms were unbelievable.  I have never seen so many different kinds, colors, and shapes.  Two nights at Fairy Stone State Park and then on to Ohio.

The "beach" at Fairy Stone Lake

A walk in the woods

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