Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 14 - Salt Lake City

The last day in Salt Lake City was spent following directions to the Fire/Police headquarters in downtown SLC.  It was relatively easy to find; however, parking was not.  There was a burger joint on the corner up the street, and I parked in their lot, figuring that they were not going to be open for awhile, so they would not mind.  I met David Herrmann in the lobby (he was just getting in at 8:30 - and I was early, as I did not know how long it would take me to get there and get parked).  He escorted me up to their floor, and we traded patches.  He told me that the no longer trade with international fire departments because of something that happened some time ago that gave them some concerns as to how the patches were being used, and Homeland Security issues.  In my tour with Mr. Herrmann, I met "the Big Chief" and we had a lovely chat about our Department, where I was from, and the Chief had a map of the US, where I pointed out Harkers Island (trying not to cover the island up in pointing to it).  He was impressed about the equipment and members that we had for such a small place.  When I left the FD/PD Headquarters, I figured I had better get out of the burger joint parking lot, and found a place on the street; however, it had these strange blue poles for parking meters, and I couldn't figure out how to use them, so moved on a couple of blocks where there was parking with no "meters."  A picture of the parking meter "station" and the "meter" in the background is the last picture in the series.   I walked about 5 blocks to Temple Square, and Mr. Michael Nelson, if you are monitoring this blog, these pictures are for you......  The Temple grounds were very interesting, and I went into the Tabernacle, where the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings, and a public church that is open to the public.  In the welcome center, there was a cut-away model of the inside of the Temple.  I took the best pictures that I could considering that I was shooting through glass with reflections all over it.  There were guides all over the place that were interested in answering questions; however, the questions I wanted to ask they would not have received too well, so I moved on to just a self-guided tour of the area.  On the way back to the car, I got to see the trolly that still operates in downtown SLC, and a Greek push cart selling lunchtime food.  I had no problem finding my way out of the city and back to my hotel.  Gassed up the car one last time, and am in the process of repacking all my stuff in readiness to head out tomorrow morning at about 5:15 a.m. to give me plenty of time to get to the airport, drop off the rental car, and get my boarding pass.  I have pre-checked in, so once I get my boarding pass, my bag is paid for, and off I go through security....yuch.  Have taken almost 2,800 pictures, and the nice thing about doing the blog every day, is that it forces me to download my pictures, spot (literally) check them, and get them on the blog.  It takes a whole lot less time to do 200 to 300 pictures at a time, than to wait until I get home and have to process 3,000.   

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 13 - Antelope Island

This will most likely be my last post until I get home.  Spent most of the day on Antelope Island, and what a magical place that is.  It was very hazy, so the views were not that spectacular into the distance, but there was a lot of activity on the causeway because of birds migrating this time of year.  I didn't bring my bird book, but there were California Gulls, Laughing Gulls, Black Backed Stilts, and other shore birds that I should know what they were, but didn't.  There were hundreds of them.  I know there were some Grebes, and I think some Shovelers.  This was a time that I wished that I had a 600mm lens.  I took as many shots with my 300mm lens and then blew up some of them....they are not spot on, but not too bad, and can be used for identification.  After taking about 45 minutes to get across the causeway because of stopping and photographing as much as I could, I headed to the Visitor Center where I saw this fiberglass Bison in the parking lot.  The cutouts on the Bison are in the shape of a Bison, and decided to have some fun by taking a picture using the cutout Bison shape as a frame for the shot.  I drove around the island and saw Antelope, Bison (of course), a Great Horned Owl, rabbit, and coyote.  I spent quite a bit of time at the Ranch at the end of the Island, which is where I saw the Great Horned Owl.  I asked about the Bison on the Island because they are everywhere, and was told that 16 had been brought by ferry before the causeway had been built, and all the Bison on the island are descended from those 16, so the herd is genetically pure, inbred, but pure.  Headed off the island around 5:30 p.m. and headed back to the hotel for supper.  Then checked e-mails, downloaded the pictures from the camera, and am putting togethe the blog.  Tomorrow I need to be at the main Fire Department building in downtown Salt Lake City at 9:00 to meet with Mr. Herrmann to get the patch, then want to go to Temple Square to see what that is all about, and head back to the hotel to top off the gas tank, and get everything packed for Friday morning. 
This has been a good trip, lots to see, lots to do, and I think I have accomplished most everthing I set out to do.  I would have liked to have seen more wildlife, but that's the way it goes sometimes.  Thank you all for being on this journey with me, it's been fun to have you all along.