Monday, September 3, 2012

Is it Day 10 or 11?

The answer to the quesion is that it is day 11, but posting for day 10.  The internet connection here is horrible, and we have to pay for it to boot.  I tried to get a post to go through last night, this morning, and now this afternoon.  I am SOOOOOO frustrated that if this Bull elk gives me any problems, I probably could make hamburger out of him real fast.  Anyway, hopefully I can get this post to go through.  The fire department pictures are from the evening of day 9 after I had closed my computer...the heavy rain and storm that we had caused an electrical problem that shut down the cafeteria for awhile.  Pictures of the construction around Canyon Village...the traffic moves, but it is a bit of an inconvenience.  They are also scheduled to repave the roads into the cabins, which need serious care.  Then there's my car....a Nissan Versa.  Like the license plate?  The rental agency told me it was from their carwash....I think I would find another carwash....wouldn't you?  Have had problems with the tire pressure indicator, it has come on and everything has been fine, and this last time it came on, and the tire pressure was low on all the will keep an eye on it.  Went to Artist Paintpots and it was cold and misty....great weather for spooky shots.  Then to Norris Geyser Basin where I hiked around.  I "pulled a Fred" with my parking...used the RV lot, parked near the one way entrance, and then went out the wrong way because of the mess in the other parking lots I would have traversed.  Pics of my cabin in Mammoth, and the two ladies that work for Xanterra (who run the hotels in the park) that I had dinner with in Gardiner (we ate at The Raven - excellent food - they bought).  Long story on that one.  Came back from dinner and saw the Bull Elk, and heard him bugle....saw him round up his harem...and generally put on a show.  Hopefully I can post again tonight if the internet here straigntens up.


  1. Next time try a Droid Phone. Mine has a built in "HotSpot" that will run my Laptop or Tablet anywhere that I have cellular service. Awesome. It looks like their cabins are some of the nicer ones. Bathroom & shower? Cool photos, I like the misty foggy trees the best. All are cool though. Hearing a bull Elk bugle is really cool. One morning @ Firehole Lake Drive we had Elk Bugling on one side and a Wolf Howling on the other while we ate breakfast on the tailgate of the truck without another vehicle in sight. One of my all time favorite mornings. I like Norris but it can really be hot if it isn't cool & cloudy. It must be tough in the summer. Covered in snow it is beautiful. How many days remaining?

  2. I'm amazed they have internet at all, but paying for it when it's not working isn't any fun. I like Gary's idea but I think you're making major technological strides as it is. :o) I've been trying to follow your weather and it looks as if you're having clear days and chilly nights! Good for sleeping, I bet, after some wonderful hiking.
    LOVED the pictures of the bull elk and his harem. It's great that they're so accessible!
    Looking forward to pictures of Day 11 & 12!
    Love, V
