Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 8 - A Change of Plans


I had planned on leaving Old Faithful and heading north to Norris Geyser Basin and then on to Canyon.  However, the fire burning between Norris and Canyon had flared up, and the smoke was so bad that the only way through was by Ranger escort, which would take some time because of delays.  I decided to head to Yellowstone Lake and go to Canyon that way.  That was a good choice.  There were elk, bison, all kinds of ducks and geese along the way.  I heard some Sandhill Cranes this morning when I got up, but did not see them.  The first elk picture was at the junction where you turn to go from West Thumb to Bridge Bay and north.  She was just grazing along the side of the road.  Later, I came upon an "elk jam" which I took pictures of the elk and the jam.  I also saw a small buck go into the woods, and a couple other photographers and I followed him in, and I got the picture of him, and the photographer taking a picture of him.  I then headed to Bridge Bay, Lake Village and Fishing Bridge.  I also took a tour around the RV Park at Fishing Bridge to see what it was like, and during the drive, saw this Mule Deer munching happily away outside someone's RV.  Then on to Mud Volcano and Sulphur Caldron, where it started to pour.  The day was quite overcast all day, but I made the best of it.  I always seem to bring the rain when I go someplace.  It takes a few days to catch up with me, but it has rained somewhere along my route every year I have gone west.  Spent quite a bit of time in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, both rims, then headed to Canyon where I checked in and got my room.  I don't know if you can see, but in one of the pictures there was a chipmunk that was running around on the exposed roots of a tree....those roots were hanging out over the abyss..,,brave little thing.  Also saw some Canadian Geese on the Yellowstone River.  Don't know what tomorrow will bring, I think, if I can, I will drive up to the Tower-Roosevelt area and head east to the Lamar Valley.  Canyon Village is a mess with construction, but the room is clean and at least it has a bathroom.  My cabin in Old Faithful did not, and I had to walk down the road a bit for those necessities, but the bed was extremely comfortable.  Anyway, tomorrow is another day....can't remember what day it is.....hope I remember what day I need to catch my flight out of Salt Lake City.....just kidding boss.... 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 7 - Geysers and More Geysers

It was 31 degrees this morning, and a great day to catch the geysers misting away.  The day was partly cloudy, and eventually got quite hot.  Caught Old Faithful while it was cold, and it put on a really good show with the steam, and the eruption was quite long.  It seems that it erupts longer in the morning when it is cold, and as the day gets warmer, the eruptions are shorter, and not as spectacular.  After breakfast (a bagel and hot chocolate), set out for Firehole Lake Drive and the geysers along the way.  Took quite a bit of time there, saw a couple of eruptions, and drove up to Madison, where, unfortunately, there were no Elk to be had.  There was a Bison along the road to Madison along the Firehole River, but he was right off the road, and everyone coming south was stopping, so there was no place to park.  Turned around in Madison and headed back south to the Firehold Canyon Drive where I stopped quite frequently, even getting some pictures of swimmers in the swimming hole.  By the sounds and shreaks....I assume the water was cold.  Drove Fountain Flat Drive, then to Fountain Paint Pot, and Midway Geyser.  In order to get an overhead view of Grand Prismatic Spring, you have to take a half-assed trail  up a hill (OK, let's be's a small mountain) to get a complete view.  You guys will have to research what it looks like from overhead.....I was NOT going to make that climb.  Then to Black Sand Basin, and back to the motel.  I finally got supper about 4:00 p.m., downloaded my pictures, and am sending out this blog, and checking e-mail.  It appears that I have a couple particles on my camera sensor that necessitates me taking a spot out of a lot of pictures.  I did the cleaning mode thing last night, and can see the little offenders on the sensor, but didn't bring my sensor cleaner.  I am debating whether to take a q-tip and gently try to remove them, or just leave them be until I am home and clean the sensor then.....  Anyway, tomorrow I am moving up the road to the Canyon section of Yellowstone. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Finally Made it to Yellowstone - Day 6 of Trip

Started out at about 7:00 a.m. and drove to Jackson Lake Inn - Thanks Gary - had a great breakfast and the Willow Flats view was absolutely amazing.....  Then on into Yellowstone, through construction that hampered the flow of traffic some.  Stopped at West Thumb Geyser Basin and took lots of pictures.  There was a cow Elk that was roaming around and the Ranger had to keep people from going up the boardwalk to let the Elk pass.   Then on to Old Faithful where I finally found my way throught "spaghetti corners" to my Lodge and found my cabin.  Quite comfortable.  Hiked the upper Geyser Basin, taking more pictures, saw Old Faithful erupt a couple of times, had dinner, and am posting my blog.  Had to walk to another Lodge to get internet access (have to pay for it though), and there are no lights along any of the sidewalks, so am glad that I brought my flashlight.  Saw  a coyote today, several elk, a juvenile bald eagle, chipmunks, and squirrels.  In answer to the questions from those of you who have not been here, YES, the colors are this vivid in the pools and runoffs.  Pictures are heading out of Teton, and then West Thumb Basin, and finally Old Faithful area.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Day In Jackson - Day 5

Tundra Swans

I still  cannot figure out how to get the pictures bigger on the blog and put captions on them, it works for some, and not for others.....  Be that as it may, I started off the day by walking uptown to the Fire Department (1st picture) and trading one of our patches for one of theirs.  Initially, there was no one at the desk, and when I rang the bell a guy came to the desk that had absolutely no idea where anything was, he was an inspector, and asked me to come back an hour later when the woman who knew where everything was got back.  I happened to run into the Battalion Chief outside, who led me back in, and got me my patch.  Then headed to the Bunnery, with a lot of trepedation after the nacho experience the day before.  Well, let me tell you, Nervana is in Jackson Hole at the Bunnery.  I will have to do some serious hiking to work off the pastry that I purchased.....OK, the two pastries that I purchased......OK the two pastries, and the ham and swiss crossoint that I purchased......  Then headed up the road a bit to the National Wildlife Art Museum, toured the place for awhile, took some pictures, (pictures 2-4) and then headed to the viewing platform at the National Elk Refuge to see what was there.  I got my "long lens" out, but some of the waterfowl were still too far away, but there were several people who had binoculars, and spotting scopes, and as the ducks came closer, got some pictures that I can blow up.  Saw my first yellow headed blackbird, thanks to a gentleman with a spotting scope.  The stars of the afternoon though, were a pair of Tundra Swans who came out of the cattails, and right in front of the viewing platform.  (pictures 5 & 7).  Picture 6 is looking north from the viewing platform into the Elk Refuge.  Pictures 8 & 9 are of the Elk Refuge from the Museum which is on the side of the hill opposite it.  Going to have dinner, then start packing for tomorrow.  You know the old addage, you fill the space you are allotted, well, I need to un-fill the space.  Early start again tomorrow to drive to Yellowstone.  I can purchase computer time there, so hopefully will be able to keep up with the blog on a fairly regular basis.