Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 8 - A Change of Plans


I had planned on leaving Old Faithful and heading north to Norris Geyser Basin and then on to Canyon.  However, the fire burning between Norris and Canyon had flared up, and the smoke was so bad that the only way through was by Ranger escort, which would take some time because of delays.  I decided to head to Yellowstone Lake and go to Canyon that way.  That was a good choice.  There were elk, bison, all kinds of ducks and geese along the way.  I heard some Sandhill Cranes this morning when I got up, but did not see them.  The first elk picture was at the junction where you turn to go from West Thumb to Bridge Bay and north.  She was just grazing along the side of the road.  Later, I came upon an "elk jam" which I took pictures of the elk and the jam.  I also saw a small buck go into the woods, and a couple other photographers and I followed him in, and I got the picture of him, and the photographer taking a picture of him.  I then headed to Bridge Bay, Lake Village and Fishing Bridge.  I also took a tour around the RV Park at Fishing Bridge to see what it was like, and during the drive, saw this Mule Deer munching happily away outside someone's RV.  Then on to Mud Volcano and Sulphur Caldron, where it started to pour.  The day was quite overcast all day, but I made the best of it.  I always seem to bring the rain when I go someplace.  It takes a few days to catch up with me, but it has rained somewhere along my route every year I have gone west.  Spent quite a bit of time in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, both rims, then headed to Canyon where I checked in and got my room.  I don't know if you can see, but in one of the pictures there was a chipmunk that was running around on the exposed roots of a tree....those roots were hanging out over the abyss..,,brave little thing.  Also saw some Canadian Geese on the Yellowstone River.  Don't know what tomorrow will bring, I think, if I can, I will drive up to the Tower-Roosevelt area and head east to the Lamar Valley.  Canyon Village is a mess with construction, but the room is clean and at least it has a bathroom.  My cabin in Old Faithful did not, and I had to walk down the road a bit for those necessities, but the bed was extremely comfortable.  Anyway, tomorrow is another day....can't remember what day it is.....hope I remember what day I need to catch my flight out of Salt Lake City.....just kidding boss.... 

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff. That little chipmunk must be a distant kin to the Wallendas. I love the area between Canyon & Tower. always a lot of wildlife in that area. Watch for the Horned Owl around the tower visitors center. Always see Deer & Sheep on the way from Tower down to Roosevelt. Drive back the short drive to the Petrified Tree. the tree isn't much [fenced in-vandals] but it is a good area for Moose & Bears. When you make the turn from roosevelt towards Lamar Valley. as you cross the bridge and head up the hill keep a lookout on the left. there is a small area that has a dead tree sort of down in a hole close to the road not far from the picnic area and it usually has a blue bird nesting in it that puts on a show.You will see the holes in the tree from the blue bird and woodpeckers. Great area for a large Ram as well. a lot of coyotes in the sage brush as well as Mule Deer. Great area.
