Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yellowstone Trip - Day 2

Yes guys, the mountains are there.....but the smoke is so bad from the Idaho fires, that I could barely make them out this morning.  The smell of smoke was very strong as well.   Drove to Jackson Lake which has a dam, as you can see.  People fish below the dam and get rainbow, cut-throat, and brown trout.  When you stand on the top of the dam, you can see the fish being swept through the pipes from the lake.   By the time I got to the Jenny Lake "welcome center" - acutally a small log cabin, the wind had shifted some, and was coming from the east, blowing the smoke away a bit.  I was able to get a few fairly decent shots around Jenny Lake and further south going back out of the park......but oh how beautiful the mountains must be without the smoke.  On the way out, I noticed people stopping on a bridge, and running like little chipmunks.  I figured there was something up, so asked someone who was coming back.  I had run into a bear jam in the morning, when someone sited a bear....there were Park Service people all over the place to keep the traffic moving.  This time it was a moose sighting, so I happily joined in the parade, and got a shot of a young bull resting.  I am supposed to go on a photography tour tomorrow (for free no less) with a guy that I met in the McDonalds in Jackson.  I was going to have breakfast, and had on my Marine Mom sweatshirt.  He saw it and said that he had been a Marine, but was now a professional photographer, and was leading a wildlife tour tomorrow.  He gave me his card, and said that he would be happy to take me  as his guest.  He said they were meeting at the corner of Route 89 and 22, and then left.  I tried to get ahold of him later in the day to find out exactly where to go.....there are 4 corners there for goodness sake, but have not been able to make contact.  I will get up early tomorrow and head out to be there at 7:00, and hope I meet up with the group.  If not, there are plenty of other things to do and see, but I hope it "pans" out.  Haven't figured out how to put pictures, then text, then pictures on this darned blog, so the pictures are as follows:  1)  my first view of the Tetons; 2-5 Jackson Dam, Jackson Lake, a fisherman at the dam, and looking downstream from the top of the dam; 6) the Tetons as I was coming into the Jenny Lake welcome center;  7 and 8 - Jenny Lake; 9 - the Tetons as I was going out of the park; 10 - Mister Moose.


  1. The smoke looks pretty bad. Last fall they had controlled burns on the Wyoming side and it was bad until the snow came. Did you go up to the top of Signal Mountain[watch for bears]. Not far from the dam. Try a lunch at Signal Mountain Lodge. If you like Nachos this is your spot. They have WiFi in the lobby area too. what are the Temperaturs like? We have seen a Moose in that location on about 5 or 6 times. When you get to Jackson be sure to go to "The Bunnery". You will thank me. Also try the Mangelson Gallery. Beautiful photography. Sunrise at Oxbow Bend should be good with the smoke. Should have some serious colors. Try a sunset at the Antelope Flats and the Moulton Barn. Have fun.

    1. Temps are in the 30's at night and in the morning. I passed the road to Signal Mountain when I was driving from the Dam to Jenny Lake, and think I will take your advice and go there tomorrow after my trip across the Lake. Photographing the barns is on my list, and each day the smoke gets a bit less, so should be good tomorrow (8/27) or the next day. Thanks for the tips.
