Saturday, August 18, 2012

If memory serves me correctly, when you travel you have luggage, and in the luggage are usually things like clothing, etc.  I am 5 days away from my trip, and haven't done the first thing about getting things organized to go.  Did laundry today and finished up the shell angels that I always take with me to give to people along the way.  I made 18 silver themed ones and 22 gold ones.  That should be plenty to spread across the West and give to the flight attendants on my flights (those are really big hits).  The main problem is my gear.....there is lots of it to get into my check-through suitcase.  I put my main camera bag with my cameras and lenses in my carry on....with a change of clothing, meds and toothbrush, etc.  I then have to get my lens cleaning bag with the extra batteries, and battery chargers, hiking poles, tripod and tripod head, either the day pack, or the camelback in, and other clothes in the check thru bag.  Yipes.  This year will be taking my laptop to do the blog, and if I can find a Wi-Fi connection someplace in Yellowstone, will Skype to the Fire Department Board Meeting to give my report.  I look forward to the day that I can take what I want in the camper and Sequoia and not have to worry about packing things into a limited amount of space. 

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