Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Day In Jackson - Day 5

Tundra Swans

I still  cannot figure out how to get the pictures bigger on the blog and put captions on them, it works for some, and not for others.....  Be that as it may, I started off the day by walking uptown to the Fire Department (1st picture) and trading one of our patches for one of theirs.  Initially, there was no one at the desk, and when I rang the bell a guy came to the desk that had absolutely no idea where anything was, he was an inspector, and asked me to come back an hour later when the woman who knew where everything was got back.  I happened to run into the Battalion Chief outside, who led me back in, and got me my patch.  Then headed to the Bunnery, with a lot of trepedation after the nacho experience the day before.  Well, let me tell you, Nervana is in Jackson Hole at the Bunnery.  I will have to do some serious hiking to work off the pastry that I purchased.....OK, the two pastries that I purchased......OK the two pastries, and the ham and swiss crossoint that I purchased......  Then headed up the road a bit to the National Wildlife Art Museum, toured the place for awhile, took some pictures, (pictures 2-4) and then headed to the viewing platform at the National Elk Refuge to see what was there.  I got my "long lens" out, but some of the waterfowl were still too far away, but there were several people who had binoculars, and spotting scopes, and as the ducks came closer, got some pictures that I can blow up.  Saw my first yellow headed blackbird, thanks to a gentleman with a spotting scope.  The stars of the afternoon though, were a pair of Tundra Swans who came out of the cattails, and right in front of the viewing platform.  (pictures 5 & 7).  Picture 6 is looking north from the viewing platform into the Elk Refuge.  Pictures 8 & 9 are of the Elk Refuge from the Museum which is on the side of the hill opposite it.  Going to have dinner, then start packing for tomorrow.  You know the old addage, you fill the space you are allotted, well, I need to un-fill the space.  Early start again tomorrow to drive to Yellowstone.  I can purchase computer time there, so hopefully will be able to keep up with the blog on a fairly regular basis. 


  1. Cool. I knew you would like the bunnery. I told a buddy of mine who was meeting us in Yellowstone last year to take his wife there. When we met up @ Snow Lodge she asked me if I was the guy who told her husband about the Bunnery. I said I was and she said I am going to hug you. We were there over my birthday last year and I had a warm Bunnery piece of cherry Pie. Oh my God it was good.We ate outside in the snow. wonderful. The Elk refuge is awesome too. I love Jackson but 2 days is about my limit. We usually head that way on the way home. Can't wait for the Yellowstone photos. Seeing the Swans must have been a treat. We saw our first ones in Yellowstone last year. Really cool to see them take off.

  2. We stayed in the Cabins @ Old Faithful on our first trip. Cool but quite Spartan. We did have a Coyote sleeping on our front steps one morning. If you venture into West Yellowstone there are a couple of Internet Cafes there too. The road from the Madison turn off to the Bridge on the way to West Yellowstone is a very good place to see Elk. Especially if they are starting to gather for the Rut. Be sure to take the Firehole Canyon Road. It is a one way short drive that has a beautiful Waterfall that you will want to shoot. The old swimming hole is pretty cool to photograph as well. Firehole Lake Drive near the Fountain Paint Pots is an early morning must see. Stunning. Fountain Geyser in the Firehole Lake Drive is a very good place to shoot the sunset. If it erupts during the sunset it's even better.

  3. M.E. your pictures of the tundra swans were wonderful. You know me and birds. A yellow-headed blackbird would have been a lifer for me. Glad the Battalion Chief was there for you to trade patches!
    Just hoping you find good internet connections over the next few days. This is better than a couple of the TV series I'm watching. :o)
    I have put The Bunnery on my list of must-go-to places. Thanks, Gary!
