Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day on the Road

The day started early for me.....3:15 am Eastern Time.  It is ending at 9:00 pm Mountain Time (11:00 eastern time).  Got a couple hours of sleep, and after arriving at Salt Lake City and finally getting my rental car straightened out, drove from around 2:00 p.m. to 8:30 to get here.  Met some really nice people on my flights, one wants to come to the house to look at the camper to do a similar thing (she lives in New Bern and was going to CA to see her son), the other couple was on my flight from Atlanta to SLC, and they are doing Grand Teton and Yellowstone with her brother and his wife for a week.  I may run into them again along the way.  We traded e-mail addresses, and of all things, her husband is an attorney.....I can't get away from them!!!!!!  Stopped at a fruit stand along the way and got a small basket of peaches.  They are hard now, but hopefully, they will ripen up some in the coming days.  There is a lot of agriculture to the east of the Great Salt Lake.  Fruit, vegetables, wheat, and hay.  They must have to irrigate, because it is very dry there.  Went through Logan, UT and that was beautiful, then headed up 89 to Bear Lake which is a very big lake.  On the way to Jackson, WY I drove up the Snake River Canyon, and intend to head back down that way one of the days I am here in Jackson to take some pictures.  There are several places that are easy access hikes to the river itself, and there are a lot of gravel bars to pick through.  Intend to get a good night sleep, and start all over tomorrow.  There is a craft fair across from my motel that is just begging to be explored.  I have also seen a Magpie and several Ospreys, so will be looking for flora and fauna on my forays. 

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